Saturday, March 12, 2016

Hello, it's been a while...

(Yes I totally went through the Adele song while typing this heading.)

Hi everyone! I am so sorry its been sooooo long since I've blogged. I have finally decided to do this. I mean REALLY do this. I have taken a turn in my life and want need to blog again. Seriously, its been a long time coming and I hoping you'll join me on this journey. 
I have been struggling with figuring out my identity since having kids. For the last 7 years I have mostly been known as Chase and Zoe's mom. Though I am still their mom, I am now realizing that I need to be Liz again. Somewhere along the way I lost myself to motherhood, everything I did or didn't do was based on my children's needs. I never made time for me. I felt guilty for wanting something for myself. Well, no more! Actually I am still struggling will feeling guilty but I now know that in order for me to be a good wife and mother, I need to know who I am and be okay with wanting time to myself. I am looking forward to starting this new chapter in my book, well in this case in my Blog. 
How about you? Did you too lose yourself to anything? How did you "find" yourself again? or are you still struggling? I love to hear about it.